Children’s Crusade, MSCHF
Branding, Website, Font, Illustration

  • Branding: Christina Bull
    Web Design: Christina Bull
    Font Design: Christina Bull
    Illustration: Christina Bull
    Photography: Kendall Mills
    Engineering: Matthew Rayfield
    Web Development: Jonny Thaw
    Animation: Joanna Lin
    Audio: Henry MacConnel
    Production: Lorenz Mager
    Creative Direction: Lukas Bentel, Kevin Wiesner

The voice of an innocent child commands significant attention. As such, handwritten letters from children are a persuasive format for communicating with elected officials. Children’s Crusade was a performance piece were 6 robotic drawing arms simulated the appearance of kid’s handwriting. Through a web portal, members of the public could write messages that would be transcribed by the robots and mailed to members of congress.

Children's Crusade

Children's Crusade ✶

The letterforms drawn by the robotic drawing arms where created using real samples of children’s handwriting