Kill Pill, MSCHF
Branding, Packaging, Website
Branding: Christina Bull
Packaging Design: Christina Bull
Web Design: Christina Bull
Web Development: Neal Agarwal
Animation: Joanna Lin
Video: Eli Kravetz
Photography: Kendall Mills
Production: Stephen Tetreault
Creative Direction: Lukas Bentel, Kevin Wiesner
Kill Pill is a non-FDA approved supplement containing 60 gelatin capsules made from 20mg of sucrose. Kill Pill works as a “patented formula life accelerant” if taken in a dose of 100,000 pills (amounting to 2 kilograms of sucrose) – the lethal dose for consuming sugar. Life sufferers may also microdose death by taking Kill Pill in smaller quantities.
Kill Pill
Kill Pill ✶
Kill Pill installation at the Nothing is Sacred retrospective at Daelim Museum in Seoul, South Korea.