MSCHF Plays Venmo, MSCHF
Branding, Illustration, Website

  • Branding: Christina Bull
    Animated Illustrations: Christina Bull
    Web Development: Emma Howard
    Production: Liz Ryan, Craig von Wiederhold
Creative Direction: Lukas Bentel, Kevin Wiesner

MSCHF Plays Venmo is an online game inspired by the ancient Athenian practice of ostracism – a democratic procedure that allowed Athenians to banish other citizens via a popular vote. To join, players entered their Venmo handle and paid $10 toward a prize pool. Players can vote hourly to ostracize other players from the game and daily to elect a winner. The first player to receive 100% of the winning votes will be venmo’d the entire prize pool.

MSCHF Plays Venmo

MSCHF Plays Venmo ✶